Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

Centre awarded University of Nottingham's EPSRC funded Catalyst grant

Vikki Develin has successfully applied to the University of Nottingham’s EPSRC funded Catalyst grant on behalf of the Centre and has been awarded the full £500.

This money is specifically for engagement and impact activities and will be used to fund a networking day, where researchers will have the opportunity to present their individual projects and disseminate any research news or results to members of the public. This will be done through poster displays, visual media, interactive activities and/or mini presentations.
This event will give members of the public the chance to engage with individual research staff, find out about specific research projects, learn more about general arthritis research that is happening or planned in Nottingham, and find out more about how they can support the arthritis research that we do.

Congratulations Vikki!

Posted on Tuesday 25th March 2014