Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

Theme Day: Risk Factors for Osteaoarthritis

On Thursday 8th May 2014 the Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis ran a theme day looking at Risk Factors for OA.

The event was oversubscribed and an initial look at the evaluation from the day shows that the event was well received. 

On the agenda we were delighted to hear from the following speakers, as well as several of the students based within the various Centre Institutions

  • Prof Mike Doherty (University of Nottingham) - The nature of osteoarthritis
  • Prof Nigel Arden, (University of Oxford) -  How do you identify risk factors for OA? Appropriate study design
  • Prof Weiya Zhang (University of Nottingham) - Bias in epidemiology 
  • Dr Andre Judge (University of Oxford) - How to analyse the data?
The Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis were delighted that several students and early careers researchers from other Arthritis Research UK funded centres were able to attend also (Birmingham, Cardiff and Keele)


Posted on Friday 9th May 2014