Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

MSc inSports and Exercise Medicine - University of Nottingham Women in STEM)

Jointly funded by HEFCE and theUniversity of Nottingham, this scheme aims to tackle the financial barrier forprogression to Masters level for a number of under-represented groups asidentified by the University.

To fulfil the basic HEFCE criteria,applicants to the scheme will need to be progressing from an undergraduatecourse for which they were charged the higher £9k tuition fee (applicable since2012-13) and classed as a Home/EU student for fee purposes.

The scheme will be open forapplications from offer holders shortly, with an application deadline of Sunday31 May 2015. Applicants for the scheme need to be offer holders at thepoint of application. In order to complete the MSc application process prior tothe scholarship scheme’s deadline, you are recommended to apply for the MSccourse by no later than Thursday 30 April 2015.

Further information about the scheme isavailable from the Course Administrator, email:

Posted on Monday 9th March 2015