Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

Tackling mental health

“Running is great for my mental wellbeing – it always improves my mood, clears my head and makes me feel like I've achieved something.”

People like Hayley Chan have long been used to the dramatic effect sport and activity can have on their mental health. And now, in the first large-scale programme of its kind in England, we’re teaming up with mental health charity Mind to improve the lives of 75,000 people with mental health problems. 

When the programme is launched next year, people experiencing mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, will be supported to join sports clubs, go to the gym or take up a new sport. 

“I slipped into depression without really knowing why or what was happening,” says Hayley, who ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon for Mind last Sunday. “When it started, I had just graduated with a degree in design and suddenly the life I'd built at university was gone. Job hunting was difficult and became a huge pressure in my mind, I began to blame myself for not succeeding right away.”

Hayley is not alone. One in four people will experience a mental health problem at some point this year. Mind will deliver the project across eight areas in England, after securing £1.5 million of National Lottery funding from Sport England. The charity has raised a further £514,000 towards the project from other sources. Former footballer Clarke Carlisle has backed the ambitious programme.

To find out more click here... 

Posted on Thursday 23rd October 2014