Versus Arthritis Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
University of Nottingham

Sport England help more disabled people play sport

Disabled people are less than half as likely to take part in sport than non-disabled people and Sport England are committed to changing this by making sport a practical choice for all.

This week Sport England announced a further £2.1 million investment of National Lottery funding to help get more disabled people playing sport.

The award will directly fund seven national disability sports organisations (NDSOs) over the next three years, allowing them to advise, support and guide other sports bodies to strengthen the delivery of sport for disabled people. It will also help them create partnerships to educate and support specific groups, as well as working with national governing bodies (NGBs) and other organisations.

In addition, the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) has been awarded a further year's investment of £204,153 to provide support in both marketing and communications and research and insight.

This additional funding is the latest strand of Sport England's wider strategy which will see them invest over £171 million into disability sport by 2017. 

You can discover other ways Sport England are supporting disability sport on their website.

Posted on Thursday 2nd October 2014